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Writer's pictureTeresa Svedman

Wonderful news to report on Dave

There is nothing more frightening as Dave was, and continues, working hard at eating right, reducing his stress, working out, little to no pain, blood work is going in the right direction or was stable and he was thinking, ‘cancer is no longer a serious threat’. As I have mentioned before, in September of 2023, the doctor talked him into repeating a PSMA scan. Feeling good, Dave walked into the Doctors office and was presented with this image and the notes said, “too numerous to count hypermetabolic lesions”. He came home in shock.

The follow up was a bone biopsy, confirming he was still positive for prostate cancer with metastases to the bone. To not keep you in suspense, as you can see, Dave had this test repeated on the 25th of June, 2024. His doctor said that he has had about a 90% improvement. Hallelujah.

Also worrisome is how they have pushed, over and over again, chemotherapy. After this scan, it was a double chemo approach. You may ask us why he continues to resist this treatment. The simple answer is, when all we have done is a rebuilding approach to stimulate his immune system, why would we want to trash all of the money we have spent, outside of the medical system, to completely destroy his cellular function? Chemo is like drinking Drano. It is hard to come back from that. Of course, some do and that is their choice, and we respect that. However, we believe, if we can identify the root cause and bring his body back into homeostasis, he can beat this without destroying cellular function.

The hardest part about this approach is how everyone, and of course, the medical community, think you have lost your mind. This is the most dis-empowering way to treat another human being. I ask myself, is this done by design? But, we believe, we are listening to our bodies. His body has already suffered greatly from rogue cell mutation, why burden it with more poison? You cannot even say chemo is fighting fire with fire, it is more like throwing gasoline into the flames and many can never recover from that.

When we heard the tough news, we had already scheduled to be at ASEA’s biotech convention. I know that was divine intervention. We were surrounded by medical professionals and individuals whose lives have been transformed all from drinking redox molecules. As concerned as we were for Dave’s bone health, he wasn’t in pain. It didn't make sense. Imagine for a moment, or maybe, you have been here too, trying to get out of your head, every doctor who saw his 2023 scan, “you aren’t in pain? Are you sure you aren’t in pain?”

When a doctor, who is highly educated, tells you that you should be in pain, you begin to believe it. This is how phenomenal our bodies are, they listen to your thoughts and create those conditions in our bodies.

After last year’s initial shock, in meditation, I was shown that Dave’s body was lifting these lesions out of the bones and to have faith. I took action. I made Dave an audio that we still listen to today. As we fall asleep at night, my audio induces us into a state of hypnosis. It communicates with the subconscious, suggesting how to heal his body. Getting Dave to understand and believe that, is the challenge.

You see, our minds and our bodies are incredibly powerful. We can’t just eat right and do all those other things; we must work on our minds too. You have to get your head in the game.

This has been extremely difficult for Dave with a Biology degree, a retired Registered Respiratory Therapist, his father was a chemist at Bristol Meyers Squibb and was not raised in any type of faith-based religion. In Dave’s mind, religion was a crutch or even a weakness.

My faith is deep. I have never pushed. My faith is unconventional because I speak to Spirit. I never claim it to be a gift, as I believe we are all capable. What may make me different, is that I choose to listen and connect. I know that intuition is powerful. This is still challenging for Dave. He is witnessing through myself and others how God moves in our lives, but it is very confusing to him.  He wants to believe; he has felt the energy moving through him but he feels he just does not know how.

Connecting to God, Source, the Creator, a higher power and all the other names we give it, should not be a challenge. For me, it can be simply summed up by saying ‘It is what it is”. Knowing, that there is something moving in our lives, something that gives us strength, and something that is within every living cellular structure. I say, it is our divine spark that resides mainly in our hearts and it is Universal. It is what connects us to everyone and everything.

The other most important thing to remember about faith is, it empowers us. In a world of laws, rules and manipulating messages, we are being told, we have no power. Unfortunately, I believe it is abusive and how we are controlled. If you are still struggling with faith and its role in healing, I suggest you seek out Joe Dispenza’s new documentary “Source”. Doctors and scientists are proving biologically, the power of faith. It is not pseudo science anymore.

Lastly, when we were up against the wall, we chose to act. We added Brown’s gas inhalation, a CO 2 suit, and Dave started really understanding the power of Asea and redox molecules. Even though he was not consistent, I believe it was already working in his body. We apply the Renu 28 gel (also redox molecules) all over our bodies. Once again, studies are proving the power of this product, when a pharma drug is approved at a 3% efficacy rate, imagine what up to 60% efficacy can do! Once again, not my words but true independent double blind controlled studies.

My next post will be about our healing holiday. We also started at the end of last year, the Pompa program. I want to thank you for reading this, we are blessed by your loving thoughts and your remembrance of us in your prayers. I hope this post inspires you to be more, to connect to your knowing, to know your importance, and I challenge you to upgrade your thoughts, because the way you think and how you process information, creates your future. We are never too old to change, live your best life, one moment at a time.

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You both are such an inspiration to me! I have absolutely loved reading this! I believe this journey will help so many others in the future as well😍. Praying for answers and continued healing! Love you guys!

Lisa Taylor

Jul 02
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Thank you Lisa, you are so dear. We appreciate you.

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