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Writer's pictureTeresa Svedman

A message to you

Updated: Oct 10

I am asking you to all take action regarding your personal health. Did you know that 50% of us will be diagnosed with cancer in 2024, and by 2030, experts believe 100% of us will develop cancer?  I am not sharing this to upset you, I am merely stating facts ignored in mainstream journalism channels. 

So, let us think about that statement and those statistics: are you adjusting your lifestyle, or are you merely putting your health in the hands of your doctor and the cancer industry?  Since President Richard Nixon declared war on cancer in 1971, we have seen many cancer organizations "race for the cure". Over 50 years of donations and scientific research, I feel we can all agree, using current day statistics, they have miserably failed. Would you consider saving your money and stop giving to these charities? Sadly, I feel the numbers don’t lie, and they do not deserve our support.

What amazes me is how many medical experts put their faith in only pharmaceutical drugs. Dave and I were victims of that education and propaganda too. Although I was re-aligning my thoughts with a more natural approach, I fought Dave and his doctors every step of the way. When their treatments did not cure Dave, he realized he was ready to start looking for alternatives too. And then winning the battle truly began!

Where have we all gone wrong? What has happened? What is so different today, causing 50% of our population to have cancer, and even more unsettling is how many children are experiencing chronic illness and obesity.

I believe the number one item is the DEW (direct energy weapon) we all carry around on our bodies. Do you realize how disruptive these energy waves are to the cellular function of our bodies? These frequencies are alarmingly strong. Add noise pollution, poor air quality outside and inside our homes, poor water quality, a constant chemical assault by the clothes we wear and the poisons we use to wash them and ourselves. Then, the food, 90% of our intake, is prepared, processed, and packaged with plastics. Unfortunately, the list goes on.

There will come a time when your symptoms can no longer be ignored. Your blood work starts showing unfavorable markers. And you will start being referred to specialists. One doctor right after another. One pill after another, they have got you for the rest of your life because they can only treat symptoms and the side effects of those drugs symptoms and do not have the answer for the cure. Have you considered our current blood workup routine is 100 year old technology? Why do we continue to accept a medical system that has been forced upon us?

At this point, I know we have all been terrorized by watching someone go through cancer treatments. I know you may have said or heard others say, ‘You do not have a choice, just buck up and do what the doctor tells you.’ Of course, you should listen to your doctors’ opinions. But remember, they are selling you something. They often create such a sense of urgency that you do not have time to research and think about what your body wants and needs. Then the damage has been done and it becomes a more difficult battle.

And research, when you are trying to find answers, it is ugly now. Because most of us cannot read and properly understand studies, we must be reminded that the drug industry funds its own studies, and it manipulates the data, summaries, and conclusions. Search engines are paid to block natural approaches and make sure when you research certain doctors, you first see manufactured inaccuracies, making them look like frauds. They direct you to their drugs and call it science. In a free society, is this what you want to rely on? I am here to tell you that the “standard of care” failed both Dave and me.

If you are still reading this and want to begin to take action, if personal funds are plentiful, step one is cleaning up your personal sleeping and home environment. We must understand that if we do not begin to heal our own spaces, fighting cancer or any chronic illness can be a whack-a-mole approach to treating symptoms rather than identifying the root causes, and those root causes are often due to parasites, molds, infections, poor air quality, poor water quality, complicated by emotional trauma and snowballed by stress.

I love starting with the free things. Turning off the noise pollution and tuning into your own heart energy. It is the magical first step when you acknowledge how to heal yourself by loving yourself again. Are you valuing yourself? Have you forgiven yourself for being inadequate? Are you over-committing? Are you overworking? Are you excessively seeking ways to escape with alcohol or drug use? Do you realize when you fail to value yourself, you allow things to eat at you. Your blood becomes sticky and sluggish and fails to move toxins properly. Cellular function stalls, the lymphs are overburdened and your most under-loved and undervalued organ, your liver, and the behind-the-scenes care it provides can not keep up anymore. Isn’t it wild to think how intertwined thoughts and health are positively or negatively related?

One word Goal Setting

I also want to share with you a big win for Dave today. His white blood cells and hemoglobin are in the normal range for the first time in years. His PSA drastically lowered for the first time in over a year down to 6.17. (951. was his all-time high 11/2021). His perseverance and continuing life changes are making all of the difference.

Take the baby steps and change your life. If any of this makes sense to you, comment below, message me and say you are in. You are a miracle. You can be empowered to be in charge of your health. If this rings true, take the next step, and start the free things. Turn off the noise, tune into your heart, and begin by asking yourself questions. Start choosing to forgive yourself and join those of us who are awakening. I want to remind you that life is beautiful and even more incredible because you are in it. My favorite analogy that I like to use, shared by a spiritual teacher, is to imagine yourself at the center of a tablecloth. Think of doing the good stuff, loving yourself, and your energy is lifted, and when you think of the tablecloth being lifted up into the air, see in your mind's eye, you in the center, pulling it up and how the cloth pulls up everything around it. It affects everyone around you. You are lifting yourself and everyone around you. This is how you are the change that is needed in this world. Let’s do this together.

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